American Standard
American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning is committed to being the best at everything we do. At the top of the list is the service you can expect from our dealers. The Building A Higher Standard Award recognizes the best of the best. Each year, we pick four Customer Care Dealers who most exemplify our values of integrity, teamwork, commitment to excellence and community service.
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Manufactured Products(12) See All
AUD1 Upflow and Horizontal Left PN# AUD1A060A9361BAUD1 Upflow and Horizontal Left 3 Tons Single-Stage Gas 60000 BTU Furnace
Freedom® 21 in. 100000 BTU PN# AUHMC100ACV3VAFreedom® 21 in. 100000 BTU 95% AFUE 4 Ton Single-Stage Upflow and Horizontal Gas Furnace
4A6V8 4 Ton 18 SEER PN# 4A6V8049A1000B4A6V8 4 Ton 18 SEER Single-Stage R-410A 1/3 hp Split-System Heat Pump
2TTB3 2.5 Ton 13 SEER PN# 2TTB3030A1000C2TTB3 2.5 Ton 13 SEER 1/8 hp Single-Stage R-22 Split-System Air Conditioner
4TTB3 Series 5 Ton 13 PN# 4TTB3060D1000D4TTB3 Series 5 Ton 13 SEER 1/5 hp Single-Stage R-410A Split-System Air Conditioner
BAYEV 4kW Heater with Breaker PN# BAYEVAC04BK1AABAYEV 4kW Heater with Breaker RS-485
Downflow 3.5 - 4.5 Tons PN# S9V2C100D5PSBADownflow 3.5 - 4.5 Tons Two-Stage Gas 1 hp 100000 BTU Furnace
25kW Heater with Breaker PN# BAYHTRV125E25kW Heater with Breaker
18 SEER 3 Tons Variable-Stage PN# 4A6V8037A1000A18 SEER 3 Tons Variable-Stage R-410A 1/3 hp Heat Pump Condenser
4TTB3 Series 5 Ton 13 PN# 4TTB3060D1000D4TTB3 Series 5 Ton 13 SEER 1/5 hp Single-Stage R-410A Split-System Air Conditioner
3.5 Ton Convertible 43832 hp PN# GAM5B0C42M31SA3.5 Ton Convertible 1/2 hp Air Handler
3 Ton 14.2 SEER Electric PN# 4TCY4036B1000A3 Ton 14.2 SEER Electric Single-Stage Convertible Packaged Air Conditioner
Products for Sale(20) See All
ForeFront™ 5 Ton Convertible 1 PN# TAM8C0C60V51CBForeFront™ 5 Ton Convertible 1 hp Air Handler
4YCZ6 XL16c 16 SEER 5 PN# 4YCZ6048A1120B4YCZ6 XL16c 16 SEER 5 Tons Two-Stage Packaged Gas/Electric
4A7A3 Silver 13 4 Ton PN# 4A7A3048E1000P4A7A3 Silver 13 4 Ton 13 SEER R-410A 1-stage Split System Cooling
Silver 80 Upflow and Horizontal PN# AUD1D100A9721BSilver 80 Upflow and Horizontal Left 6 Tons Single-Stage Gas 100000 BTU Furnace
4TCY4 4 Tons Electric Single-Stage PN# 4TCY4048A3000A4TCY4 4 Tons Electric Single-Stage Convertible Packaged Air Conditioner
AUC1 Horizontal and Upflow 3 PN# S9B1B060U4PSAAAUC1 Horizontal and Upflow 3 - 4 Ton Single Stage Gas 3/4 hp 60000 BTU Furnace
4TTB3 Series 2 Ton 13 PN# 4TTB3024H1000A4TTB3 Series 2 Ton 13 SEER 1/8 hp Single-Stage R-410A Split-System Air Conditioner
4WCC3 Series 2.5 Ton 13 PN# 4WCC3030B1000A4WCC3 Series 2.5 Ton 13 SEER Convertible R-410A Packaged Heat Pump
5kW Heater with Breaker PN# BAYHTR1505BRKA5kW Heater with Breaker
Platinum 80 Upflow 5 Tons PN# AUD2D120ACV52BPlatinum 80 Upflow 5 Tons Two-Stage Gas 120000 BTU Furnace
4YCZ6 XL16c 16 SEER 5 PN# 4YCZ6048A1120B4YCZ6 XL16c 16 SEER 5 Tons Two-Stage Packaged Gas/Electric
4A7A3 Silver 13 4 Ton PN# 4A7A3048E1000P4A7A3 Silver 13 4 Ton 13 SEER R-410A 1-stage Split System Cooling
Silver 80 Upflow and Horizontal PN# AUD1D100A9721BSilver 80 Upflow and Horizontal Left 6 Tons Single-Stage Gas 100000 BTU Furnace
14-1/2 in. 2 Ton Downflow PN# 4PXCAD24AC3HDA14-1/2 in. 2 Ton Downflow and Horizontal Right Cased Coil for Split-System Heat Pump and Split-System Air Conditioner
4YCX3 Series 2.5 Tons 13 PN# 4YCX3030B1075A4YCX3 Series 2.5 Tons 13 SEER R-410A Single-Stage Spine Fin Convertible Propane or Natural Gas/Electric Packaged Unit
4WCX3 Series 2 Ton 13 PN# 4WCX3024B1000A4WCX3 Series 2 Ton 13 SEER Convertible R-410A Packaged Heat Pump
Precedent™ 10 Tons Two-Stage Lanced PN# YSC120F3EMA0000Precedent™ 10 Tons Two-Stage Lanced Packaged Gas/Electric
4DCZ6 XL16c 4 Ton 16 PN# 4DCZ6048C1090A4DCZ6 XL16c 4 Ton 16 SEER R-410A Dual Fuel Packaged Heat Pump
GAM2 Series 4 Ton Convertible PN# GAM2A0C48S41SBGAM2 Series 4 Ton Convertible 1 hp Air Handler
Silver SI 4FWM Series 2 PN# 4FWMF024A1DS8BSilver SI 4FWM Series 2 Tons Single-Stage Upflow and Vertical Air Handler