Gas Turbine LM6000 PG
The LM6000 allows you to operate on a wide variety of fuels—including natural gas, LPG (propane and butane), isopentane, ethanol, diesel, and Coke Oven gas.
Universal and modular packaging gives the LM6000 a smaller footprint and allows for faster installation—in as little as 3 months for simple cycle and 12 months for combined cycle configurations—the fastest installation time in our history.
Aeros like our LM6000 are built for high cycling capability, which allows customers to get up and running—and on the grid—quickly.
With over 1,300 units shipped and 40 million combined operating hours, the LM6000 family has more operating experience than any other aeroderivative gas turbine greater than 40 MW.
Gas Turbine LM6000 PG Specifications:
Power (MW)
Natural GasFrequency (Hz)
- Efficiency (%)39.3
- Heat-rate (kJ/kWh)9170
- Exhaust mass flow (kg/s)143.3
- Exhaust Temperature (C)470
- NOx Emissions (ppm)25
Efficiency (%)
39.3Heat-rate (kJ/kWh)
9170Exhaust mass flow (kg/s)
143.3Exhaust Temperature (C)